Catalogue of the Mari4_YARD solutions

Mari4_YARD focuses on four technological blocks: 3D modelling and digitalisation, robotics, augmented reality, and exoskeletons with the aim to:

1) develop intuitive human-robot collaborative solutions allowing symbiotically integration of
operators’ skills and dexterity into flexible and reconfigurable solutions in shared

2) develop handheld and portable AR/MR tools for assisting shipyard workers

3) develop AI-assisted exoskeletons for reducing fatigue and physical stress

4) implement a portfolio of worker-centric tools assisting in the execution of the labour-
intensive tasks by preserving industry-specific workers’ knowledge and skills

5) demonstrate Mari4_YARD approach at real-scale targeting both shipbuilding and retrofitting
in SME-shipyards, fostering results exploitation and enabling EU wide manufacturing

In this catalogue the project shows the portfolio of the solutions developped for the shipbuilding sector.

Download the catalogue of the solutions